Container Shipping Overseas with Pak Cargo

Container Shipping Overseas with Pak Cargo

In case you’re hoping to send you cargo overseas with Pak Cargo, you ought to know that there are two sorts of containers that are generally utilized when utilizing ocean cargo as your method of transportation your products overseas. They are either a 40ft compartment or a 20ft container and the premise of your prerequisite will mirror the shipping rate that you will be cited. Pak Cargo has been known not moderate transportation rates in Melbourne and with our worldwide system; we can give you the most ideal shipping rate. Presently, how about we get to business and take a gander at the different terms that identifies with container shipping overseas. Continue reading

What Makes Air Cargo So Preferable?


There are various modes of transport and each method has its own benefits and cons. Air freight is the known Fast Cargo Service, that’s very often used for high value and low volume shipments, as you might already know. But what are the other main reasons for using air freight? Continue reading

Insights to Logistics without Driver

Insights to Logistics without Driver

According to the Pak Cargo Manchester, driverless vehicles are no more only a fantasy from the Sci-Fi films that we watched when we were children. They are formally happening in our everyday lives and have as of now get to be one of the greatest effects ever. As you may expect, it began on a littler scale and vehicles have for the most part been for non-business use; however some splendid personalities have found a way to bring this innovation into logistics industry. Continue reading

Best Ways to Control your Yearly Shipping Cost

Best Ways to Control your Yearly Shipping Cost

You should be highly regarding the annual budget of your company that most of the time is more than what you expected. In this domain the most highlighted factor occurs to be the annual shipping cost. For all the obvious reasons, people try to cut off their shipping costs to a reasonable extent but the total amount is still enough to burden over the budgeting. That’s the reason for why most of the time people aren’t very much successful in cutting off or reducing the annual shipping cost. In that case, it becomes really important for you to try some lucrative cost cutting measures that really make a big difference. The best part here is that you can get help from some really useful cost cutting factors. Apparently, you can head on maximizing the amount of cargo per box that directly minimizes your shipping cost. Besides that, there are few useful tips that help you implement this idea and make it even much easier as well as efficient to head on wisely with your shipping concerns. Continue reading

What Kind Of Items Do Kashmiri People Love To Have As Gifts?

What Kind Of Items Do Kashmiri People Love To Have As Gifts

If you want to Send Parcel to Pakistan and Azad Kashmir then you should know what kinds of items do these people like. You may be living in UK but you still won’t know the best gifts to choose because you are not a native citizen of the country.

However; you must have read some articles on the trendiest gifts that are getting hot in UK. But, what if your relatives doesn’t like these gifts? You don’t want that, do you?

So what should you do in order to avoid that?

Recommendation: You seek advice from the family members, friends and other relatives to ask what they want as a gift. If you want to surprise them, then here are some things to consider:


Sounds awkward but believe me. There are thousands of electronics that are found in UK but not in these countries aka Pakistan and Azad Kashmir. These electronics are mostly futuristic inventions that are really hard to find in other countries so check them out.

Vintages or Antiques

Another thing to consider as a gift. Antiques may be high in price in UK and prosperous countries like these but it is almost very rare to find antiques in Pakistan and Azad Kashmir.

This is the reason that most people prefer to send antiques, pictures and other decoration stuff to their parents because this is what they love.


There are millions of books that can be bought from Amazon but unfortunately, Amazon is not available in both these countries. You can provide the genres and bestselling books to your relatives and they will be surely interested in to take a look because they haven’t read any that were published worldwide.

This is it. Check out Pak Cargo Manchester to get the best deals on sending something over to your native country or a gift to your relatives.

The Hidden Cost Explained | Freight Forwarding

The Hidden Cost Explained  Fr

This might be confusing to decide if freight forwarding is expensive or a stressful task. Because, it can be both, at a time. However; if you don’t plan ahead of time, you probably will face a lot worse than the average. In this article, I have described some hidden costs that may be charged on the way. Acknowledging yourself with these costs will prepare you for the final bill.

This article is brought to you by Pak Direct Cargo.

Insurance Costs Continue reading

Fast Cargo Service

How Innovative Tech Can Help Freight Forwarding Industry

Freight forwarding business in significantly increasing day by day, in a fast pace. Due to this reason, the demands of shippers are also increasing. They now want a fast cargo service than before, better monitoring (real time monitoring) and better management expectations from the cargo shipments. If you cannot give them that then they will surely turn towards someone who can which in turn becomes a great loss. Conversely, innovative technologies and tools can help you stand out and overcome these obstacles to provide what a customer desires from you. Continue reading