How Accidents Are a Part of Driving Lessons



Let’s face it. Accidents will happen. No matter if you have learned driving from a reputable Local Driving School or if you hold a professional diploma as a driver. Because if you will be not responsible for the accident, someone will be. Believe me, it has happened to me several times but here is what I learned from accidents.

Never Hope For The Best

That’s right. It might be a good idea to hope for something in any other case but NOT for driving. Let me tell you what happened to me and what I learned that day:

During the drive, I was taking out my car from the parking lot and went on for the main road to hit my home. Suddenly, I saw a minivan coming in front me (It was in the wrong direction) so I stopped my car and gave way so that it can overtake my car and move on (or stop). However; it hit me with its full force and I was badly injured by it. The problem was that he was drunk and I hoped that he would move its car on the right direction but he didn’t.

Don’t Take Chances

Following up with the incident that happened to me. It is clear to me that we should not take chances in driving. Instead, we should take immediate action on what to do. If I had not stopped at the first place and had overtook him then the injury might have been way more minimal than it happened. For a month, I was prescribed to have complete bed rest and till now, my hip bone aches when I put more weight on my legs than I should. These lessons were more penetrating than Driving Lessons in Chingford that I had taken.

Wrap Up

This is what I learned through several accidents. What did you learn from your incident? Let me know in the comments sections, below and click on the like button to support me and my blogs.

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