Taxi Confession – A Mysterious Brawl

When I hired Stansted to Fulham Cars to travel between those cities, I had a confession that I need to share with you people. Once I reached the destination and gave the fare to the taxi driver. A black man was standing a little far from me. I noticed that he wanted to hire the cab so I gave him the way. As I walked away from the cab, I heard abusing and shouting. Once I looked towards the cab, I saw the black man brawling with the cab driver. I didn’t call the police (I thought I wouldn’t be necessary) and this is the reason I am confessing it.

After they beat the shit out of each other and were about to kill each other through their own fists; the police came (they must have surveillance on that area) and handled the situation. I came into play and decided to take the side of the driver as he was very nice and friendly during the travel. The police did listen to me but they told me that I do not need me to be the official witness as this situation came on fire through racism.

The black man wanted to go somewhere where the taxi driver neglected. The black man told the driver that if he was white; the driver would have taken him there. So, I was on the right side. The police didn’t arrest both of these men but took the black man to offer him a ride there. I waited a bit and then when the situation got solved.

The drive came and thanked me. I told him it was nothing and people should help each other out. He told me that he had dropped this ring during the brawling that happened on the site. I asked him that is that true or did he want to have that ring from the start? He was hurt from my words but he wanted to let me have that ring as thanks. I was amazed and I apologized about what I said to him.

Luckily, I saw a craigslist ad that stated a missing wedding ring made by Cartier. I saw the ring and it was a Cartier wedding band that can be sold for about €1000 – €1500. What should I do?

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