What to Look When Buying a Taxi?

You have convinced yourself to become a minicab driver as you seem to be sure that you can earn up to 3000 euros per month, considering the fact that you want to outperform your competitors. For that, you will need a car that will be your career. While Most of the SKODA taxis are same in Fulham, we will put some important key factors that you need to look in a car before making it a minicab or taxi. Continue reading

5 Ways to Make Customers Come Again & Again

You have been running a minibus business in bury. At first, you found potential in your newly opened business but after some time, the customers didn’t come often. You went into thinking why this might be happening? The answer can be hiding beneath your customer’s relationship (between the customer and your business). Treating customers the right way is a crucial part. Continue reading